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Hand2Note 4 Professional Course [ENG]
1. Introduction
1. Introduction (0:58)
2. Hand2Note Features
2. Getting Started - Importing Hand Histories (7:05)
3. How to install Essential Cash Pack (or any commercial package) (4:48)
4. Working with Reports (15:55)
4.1 Notes and Hand Sharing (4:43)
5. Advanced Filtering - Create your own stats (12:05)
6. Advanced Filtering - More examples (8:17)
7. How to review your hands with the Popups (5:06)
8. How to create a HUD from sratch (10:23)
9. HUD Personalization (9:26)
10. Stat Editor - Create your custom stats (9:25)
11. Configuration Modules (10:26)
3. Mass Database Analysis of players' pool
12. How to run a Mass Database Analysis Report (9:04)
13. Advanced MDA: Reg Filtering (22:35)
14. Advanced MDA: Fish Filtering (12:54)
Troubleshooting and FAQs
15. How to backup your configuration (4:06)
13. Advanced MDA: Reg Filtering
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